




  • 雇用契約
  • 雇用の終了
  • タイにおける報酬と退職金
  • 労働者保護法に基づくタイの会社規則
  • 雇用特権と福利厚生








Thai Labor Law safeguards the rights of employees while offering flexibility to employers. Nonetheless, the law imposes specific regulations on terminations and dismissals to prevent disputes between employees and employers. At Juslaws & Consult, whether you're an employer or an employee, we can provide comprehensive information about your rights concerning employment termination in Thailand. Understanding that each case is distinct, it's crucial to consult with a professional specializing in Thai Labor Law for a thorough understanding of your rights and potential claims under the Thai Labor Protection Act. Juslaws & Consult has compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to termination, wrongful dismissal, and labor law in Thailand for your convenience. Please note, this is intended as a general guide only.


Q: Does the employee have to be notified of the termination?

Unless the employment contract provides otherwise, the employee must be notified within a minimum period equal to the employee's pay cycle to terminate an employment contract of indefinite duration. For example, if the employee is paid monthly, the notification must be sent to the employee for at least one month before the effective date of termination. If the pay cycle is longer than three months, the period for notifying the employee may be three months. When the contract is for a fixed term, there is no need to inform the employee before the end of the contract.

Q: How should the employee be notified of the termination?

We recommend sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (EMS) to keep physical evidence of the date of notification.

Q: Does the employee need to be informed of the reasons for the termination?

If the employee receives severance pay, there is no legal obligation to notify them of the reason for dismissal. We recommend, however, that the employee be notified of the grounds for their dismissal. This is to protect against any recourse by the employee for wrongful dismissal. When an employee is terminated without severance pay under Section 119 of the Labor Protection Act ("termination without severance pay"), the reasons for the termination must be carefully detailed in the notice.

Q: Is it possible to dismiss an employee without notice?

Section 119 of the Labor Protection Act sets out the cases of dismissal where the employee does not need to be notified. This is particularly the case when:
- The employee dishonestly performs or intentionally commits a criminal offense against the employer;
-The employee intentionally causes loss to the employer;
-The employee commits an act of negligence resulting in serious loss to the employer;
-The employee's Act violates the work rules, regulations, or orders of the employer that are legal and fair, and receives a written warning notice;
-The employee neglects their duties for three consecutive days without a reasonable cause, regardless of whether a holiday is in the intervening period; or,
-The employee is subject to imprisonment by a final court judgment. We recommend, however, that you notify the employee to protect yourself from future actions.

Q: Is it possible for the employer to force the employee not to report to the workplace after notification and until dismissal (a "garden leave" period)?

This case is not provided for in the Labor Protection Act, but the practice is common in Thailand. As long as the employee keeps his status and pay, it is possible to put the employee on "garden leave". However, be sure to return all personal belongings to the employee before forcing the employee not to return to the workplace.

Q: How many employees can be terminated at the same time?

Thai law sets no legal restrictions on the number of employees that an employer may terminate at the same time. However, if the dismissal is without honest or reasonable cause, the employee may take the matter to the Labor Court for unfair dismissal. Therefore, the employer must ensure that appropriate measures are taken and that the employees are individually terminated.

Q: What happens to a foreign employee's work permit and business visa (non-immigrant B visa) after termination?

Once an employee is terminated, the employer must cancel the work permit within 15 days. The visa is considered cancelled at the time of dismissal. Therefore, the employee should apply for a 30-day tourist visa shortly after dismissal to avoid overstay fees.

Q: What happens if the employer does not renew an employee's visa or work permit?

An employee who has not been terminated by his employer but whose work permit has not been renewed by his employer is no longer entitled to work. However, the employee remains subject to the lawful instructions of his employer to which he shall comply during his working time. An employee whose employer has not renewed a permit or visa may submit a claim to the Labor Court and take action against his employer for wrongful dismissal.

Q: Does the resigning employee receive severance pay?

No, the resigning employee does not receive severance pay.

Q: Is it abusive to dismiss immediately and without compensation an employee who spends too much time on social media?

In a recent judgment, the Supreme Court ruled that it is legal to immediately terminate without compensation an employee who used the office computer to use social media for personal reasons during working hours, negatively impacting the employee's performance.

Q: Is it abusive to dismiss immediately and without compensation an employee who criticizes his employer on social media?

In another recent judgment, the Supreme Court ruled that it is legal to immediately dismiss without compensation an employee who knowingly caused damage to his employer by complaining about his working conditions on social networks.

Q: Are there cases where the employee is protected against dismissal?

Pregnant women cannot be dismissed for pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, members and representatives of the employee's committee may only be dismissed with the approval of the Labor Court.




A) 雇用主に対し、解雇前と同じ条件で従業員を復職させるよう命じる、または、裁判所が当事者間の協力がもはや不可能であると判断した場合、





タイで10人以上の正社員を抱える企業は、B.E. 2541 (1998)の労働者保護法の規定に準拠した就業規則を作成し、文書で掲示しなければならない。



  • 勤務日数、所定労働時間、休憩時間
  • 休暇と休暇取得規則
  • タイにおける報酬と退職金
  • 時間外労働および休日労働に関する規定
  • 基本給、時間外手当、休日手当、休日時間外手当の支払日および支払場所
  • 休暇と休暇取得規則
  • 規律と罰
  • 苦情の提出
  • 解雇、退職金、特別退職金。

Juslaws & Consultは、経験豊富な雇用法の専門家チームを擁しており、就業規則の作成または見直しにおいてクライアントをサポートいたします。当事務所の目標は、就業規則が労働法の要件を遵守していることを保証すると同時に、会社と従業員双方の具体的なニーズに対応することです。




タイのB.E. 2533 (1990)の社会保障法およびその改正は、一定の条件下で基金加入者に保障を提供する目的で社会保障基金を設立した。7種類の保障がある:

  • 病気
  • マタニティ
  • 障害
  • 児童手当
  • 失業率
  • 老年期






Juslaws & Consultでは、雇用主がタイの雇用法で定められた包括的な雇用規制を遵守できるようサポートいたします。これには、社会保障、積立基金、所得税などに関する義務も含まれます。さらに、組織の各階層に合わせた雇用契約書の作成も得意としています。当事務所の専門知識は、労働委員会や労働裁判所において企業を代理し、その利益が十分に保護されることを保証することにも及んでいます。
