






クライアントには、紛争の相手方と直接交渉する選択肢もありますが、多くの場合、法律顧問のサービスを選択します。Juslaws & ConsultのADRスペシャリストは、タイにおける最も効果的な交渉戦略についてクライアントを指導し、どのような場合に相手方と直接コミュニケーションを取るのが適切か、また、満足のいく解決を達成するために様々なテクニックを用いるべきかなどを説明します。



Business negotiations around the globe are heavily influenced by local culture, and Thailand is no exception. For those embarking on a business venture in Thailand, it's crucial to grasp the nuances of Thai culture and its impact on the local approach to business negotiations. Thai society is intricate, enriched by numerous subcultures that affect behavior to a degree that even leading scholars find challenging to fully quantify and explain. Consequently, gaining an understanding of Thai communication styles and cultural norms is paramount before engaging in business within the country. While we will outline some key concepts that could influence business negotiations in Thailand, please note that this list is not exhaustive.

Nonverbal Communication

In navigating cultural nuances across various contexts, recognizing the expected extent of nonverbal communication is crucial. Western-influenced communication styles often do not emphasize nonverbal cues significantly, preferring instead to be direct and detailed in verbal exchanges. In contrast, Asian and African cultures typically place a substantial reliance on nonverbal signals in communication, often opting for less detailed verbal interactions. This difference underscores the importance of adapting communication strategies to align with the cultural expectations of your counterparts.

Nonverbal communication encompasses the conveyance of information through context, spatial relations, and body language. Generally, Thai people are particularly mindful of their emotional expressions. Similar to other Asian cultures, they heavily rely on nonverbal cues due to their indirect verbal communication style. This reliance on nonverbal signals can pose challenges for non-Thai businesspeople accustomed to the direct and explicit communication approaches prevalent in Western cultures.

In Thailand, smiles play a significant role in nonverbal communication, with around thirteen different types recognized within Thai culture. These range from sad smiles and teasing smiles to polite smiles, each varying in intimacy and context. Given the subtlety of communication in Thai culture, there is also a strong emphasis on observing and interpreting the body language of others.

Understanding these nuances is essential for grasping the dynamics of Thai-influenced business negotiations and the expected style of conducting such negotiations in Thailand. This communication style is intimately linked to how Thais demonstrate respect towards one another. Recognizing and respecting the role that culture and business etiquette play in shaping business negotiations in Thailand is crucial. It's not merely about adapting to different communication styles but also about appreciating the deep cultural underpinnings that inform these interactions.

Verbal Communication

Due to the significant reliance on nonverbal communication among Thai individuals, they are also particularly attuned to the tone of voice used in conversations. Behaviors often seen in Western business negotiations may be perceived as signs of immaturity by Thai negotiators. Thus, maintaining control over emotional expressions is crucial when communicating with Thai companies. Moreover, those unaccustomed to Thai-influenced business negotiations may find the indirect communication style of Thai individuals challenging to navigate.

Kreng Jai Concept

The concept of Kreng Jai is uniquely Thai and does not have a direct English equivalent. Moreover, explaining it to those outside the Thai culture can be challenging due to its highly contextual nature. Generally, Kreng Jai involves refraining from expressing one's own ideas and desires to avoid causing conflict or discomfort to others, thereby preserving harmony in relationships. This concept is characterized by several behaviors:

- Reluctance to assert one's rights.Hesitation to critique the work of supervisors or peers.
- Caution in issuing orders or instructions to those who are more experienced or older.
- Reluctance to express dissenting opinions.
- Concealing feelings of anger or dissatisfaction to prevent causing discomfort to others.
- Avoiding actions that might inconvenience or disturb others.
- Prioritizing the fulfillment of others' needs and preferences.

While Westerners may often find the Kreng Jai approach challenging or frustrating, it is frequently utilized within business contexts and even in international negotiation processes. A significant aspect of this intercultural communication style centers on avoiding conflict. This emphasis on harmony and non-confrontation plays a crucial role in facilitating smooth interactions and negotiations, particularly when bridging diverse cultural backgrounds.

Role of Buddhism in Communication

Buddhism has been the dominant religion in Thailand for centuries, with up to 95% of the population adhering to it. Its prevalence has profoundly influenced intercultural communication and the everyday lives of Thai people. Among the two main branches of Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism is far more popular in Thailand than Mahayana Buddhism. This widespread belief in Theravada principles means that many Thai people place strong emphasis on concepts such as karma and the acceptance of one's place in the world, including the social class into which a person is born. Consequently, Thai people are generally less inclined to challenge their perceived role in society and are attuned to the societal positions of others, often questioning behaviors that seem to deviate from these roles.

As a result, Thais tend to be soft-spoken and polite, characteristics that extend to their negotiating style.


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